Resep Easy Steamed Chocolate Molten Lava Cake oleh Olalaigo
Berikut ini resep memasak Easy Steamed Chocolate Molten Lava Cake. Resep Easy Steamed Chocolate Molten Lava Cake yang dishare oleh Olalaigo bisa jadi 2 porsi.

Resep Easy Steamed Chocolate Molten Lava Cake
Porsi: 2 porsi
- 85 gram Dark chocolate
- 45 gram Unsalted butter
- 1 and half Egg
- 1 and half Egg yolk
- 35 gram Sugar
- 22 gram Flour
- 1 tsp Vanilla essence
Cara Membuat
Brush ramekins with soft butter and coat with some sugar. Do not skip the sugar coat at any cost.
Melt chocolate and butter
Meanwhile whisk eggs, egg yolks, and sugar until well combined
Shift in flour, whisk. Add the melted chocolate, whisk.
Divide the batter into the ramekins.
Steam for about 8~9 minutes on a pan filled halfway with water, with slightly opened lid, on medium heat. Serve with ice cream or anything you like.
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